Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Miss an episode of heroes? Watch heroes online!

Heroes is quickly becoming one of those television programs that people simply cannot get enough of! Missing an episode is simply out of the question, but what happens when you can't help it because your boss asks you to come into work on the day that it is airing? What if you have a hot date that you can't reschedule? Well worry not, as the wonderful world of technology is now making it possible to watch heroes online!

You no longer have to worry about getting into the middle of the arc because you missed the last three episodes and have no idea what the characters are talking about. You can now watch heroes online from any point in the series from the first episode to the last and you can watch it in high fidelity! The beauty of the internet is when you watch programs there you are not limited by the constraints of live television. You can stop hit pause, go to the bathroom, even go cook your popcorn in the middle of the show then resume when your ready again.

If a friend calls that you haven't spoken to in years and you absolutely want to talk to them, in the old days you had to ask them to call you back or simply miss the show that you were deeply vested in. These days however you can watch heroes online and if the phone rings you simply put it on pause. You can even come back to it later and resume where you left off.

The internet is quickly becoming the place people are watching their television. More and more people are integrating entire computer systems into their digital plasma or LCD televisions and can actually watch entire episodes of heroes on them in the same fidelity that it was broadcasted in, sometimes better!

So if you didn't know that you could watch heroes online, or you have friends who are not in the loop yet, you can be the first to remind them of the awesome power of the web to both give them back their freedom of watching when they want, but of allowing you and them to watch at your convenience!